Human Subjects Research Education and Training

The University of 杏吧直播间 Alabama requires all Human Subjects Committee (HSC) Members and all Principal Investigators (PIs) and Key Personnel conducting research involving human subjects to complete training related to the ethical conduct of human subjects research. UNA provides access to ethics training for HSC Members PIs and Key Personnel through the .

Human Subjects Committee members must register for and complete the IRB Member Basic Course in CITI.

Principal Investigators and Key Personnel must complete the basic course appropriate for their research, either the Biomedical Research Basic Course or the Social & Behavioral Research Basic Course in CITI.

These courses provide general ethics training in the conduct of ethical research in areas such as:

  • History and ethics in human subjects research
  • Basic Institutional Review Board (IRB, known as Human Subjects Review at UNA) regulations and review processes
  • Informed consent
  • Research involving minors
  • Conflicts of Interest
  • Recognizing and reporting unanticipated problems
  • Populations requiring additional ethical considerations, including children, prisoners, pregnant women, and other vulnerable subjects

CITI Registration is accessed directly from this .

New UNA users are required to register an individual account using the University of 杏吧直播间 Alabama as the Organizational Affiliation. Instructions for registering for these courses are located here.

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